Community Camp
August 5 – 12
Come enjoy the fun and fellowship of being at camp with your family or with friends old and new! Feel the warmth and welcome of the Gracefield community as you participate in activities, meals and fellowship together. Staff will lead traditional camp activities such as canoeing, archery, nature walks, campfire, and arts and crafts; participants can also enjoy self-directed activities at the camp, along the Grand Trail, paved bike path that passes though the camp and on beautiful Lac Castor. This camp is open to all ages.

Community Camp Pricing
Meals & Program
Weekend Only
August 9-11th
Adults (Ages 13 – 64) – $130/person
Kids (Ages 7 – 12) & Seniors (65+) – $90/person
Children (Ages 4-6) – $60/person
Week Only
August 5th – 9th
Adults (Ages 13 – 64) – $225/person
Kids (Ages 7 – 12) & Seniors (65+) – $125/person
Children (Ages 4-6) – $75/person
Optional extras include:
Some dietary preferences & Special Events
Prices shown include up to 5 people and are only available when purchasing meals and programming
Weekend – $50 | Week $100
Trailer Camping or Small Cabin
Weekend – $100 | Week – $200
Lodge Room or Big Cabin
Weekend – $175 | Week – $350
Extra Family Members at an accommodation
Ages 12+ $50 | Ages 4-11 $40
Children 3 and under stay & eat free (no daycare provided)
All Prices shown are subject to provincial tax
If you or your family is not able to afford coming to community camp, we may be able to offer camperships to cover some of the costs. For more information contact Your own church may also have campership funds available. (If you would like to contribute to our Gracefield campership fund, go to the Donate page on
If you have any questions about Community Camp, or the meal, program and accommodation options, please contact us at or by phone at 1.888.493.2267.