Summer Camp Pricing
We now have a tiered pricing system! There are three levels of pricing from which to choose for each camp session, which is designed to give the opportunity for as many youths to participate in our overnight camps as possible. All prices shown before applicable taxes
Early Bird Special
Save by registering early! Register before March 31 to save 10% off any pricing tier. (Discount is applied automatically)
Gracefield Camp Campership
If the List Discount price is still not enough to bridge the gap between what your family can afford and the cost of camp, we also offer camperships of up to 75% off the list price. To apply for campership assistance follow this link HERE!
For more information contact Your own church may also have campership funds available.
Presbytery of Ottawa Camperships
There are two options for camperships from the Presbytery of Ottawa. You can follow this link for more information and to apply for them HERE!.